”Good news everyone!” – Hubert J. Farnsworth
Uppdateringen av Aeon Timer till version 1.2.0 finns nu tillgänglig i Mac App Store!
Det som är nytt/fixat är: (på engelska denna gång)
New: Auto subtract. Subtracts the pause period when inactive for a more accurate timing.
New: You can now choose to disable the automatic backup feature if you’d like.
New: You can now remove all previous backups.
Fix: Individual timings are now correct when printing.
Fix: No longer crashes when a project is deleted.
Fix: Subfolders can now be properly deleted from the Projects list.
Fix: Country list in project settings now contains most countries.
Fix: Project now loads correctly if you aborted a project deletion and clicked on ’Timer’.
Fix: In case of a hard crash the stack trace can now be sent to us for debugging purposes.
Fix: Carefully moved small nagging bugs(mostly ants) back into the forest. We believe they moved into our app without human intervention.